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I have had 2 infusions of Entyvio so far, and all signs of pouchitis have gone away. Before starting Entyvio, I left my relatively mild case of pouchitis untreated and had a pouchoscopy, which showed small white spots on my pouch. These ulcers were causing pain and cramping in my pouch and negatively affecting my lifestyle. Antibiotics could control the ulcers in my pouch, but they would come back after a course of Cipro or Augmentin, in a couple weeks. It was a constant up and down feeling, chasing remission over and over. Entyvio seems to have stopped the rollercoaster.  We are now entering cold and flu season and I already have a cold and don't know anyone around me that is sick.. I haven't had any side effects from the infusions/Entyvio. I am wondering if my cold was indirectly caused by the lowering of my immune system. That would suck to be clear of pouchits, but be with a cold half the year..  I will keep you all posted. if  you have any personal experiences of getting more colds, more severe colds on Entyvio, I'd welcome some advice.


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I am also right there with you, two infusions down and another coming up for my first round of 3 and then every 8 weeks. Quality of life so much better than the antibiotics therapy I was on for so many years!

Down side: I am also picking up bugs and getting sick more easily.   Seems like we can't win on all fronts!

Edit: note that I am also on Budesonide temporarily which also can affect immune system a bit, so kind of a double whammy. I will go off that after my third Entyvio infusion and then maybe the slight cold type stuff will clear up too.

Last edited by DJ H
@DJ H posted:

I am also right there with you, two infusions down and another coming up for my first round of 3 and then every 8 weeks. Quality of life so much better than the antibiotics therapy I was on for so many years!

Down side: I am also picking up bugs and getting sick more easily.   Seems like we can't win on all fronts!

Edit: note that I am also on Budesonide temporarily which also can affect immune system a bit, so kind of a double whammy. I will go off that after my third Entyvio infusion and then maybe the slight cold type stuff will clear up too.

Hello DJ H,

did the budesonide help your pouch before going on entyvio?

Will be interested in your progress.  Exactly the plan my doctor has for me. Am on Budesonide for a couple weeks now with Entyvio infusions to come.  Have had pouch for over 25 years and had first pouchoscopy last month when I began treatment with a new gastro doc.  As I read more, I realize I should have had sought care sooner. I guess I just had to live with the pain I developed in 2018. Live and learn and am grateful for a new look from a new doctor.

Now on my maintenance entyvio, every 8 weeks. For the first week after my infusion, I have to avoid crowds and if I even see a sick person I'll get a cold.. But after the week in a mask, I seem to be doing well. No pouchitis/UC to speak of, although frequency is unchanged. No cramping/gas/pain. I have developed a deep lung cough/weeze, that I assume is a side effect of the infusions. When I started entyvio, I did get sick twice, but I've been good for the past 2 months now, so I am very pleased. I certainly dislike the cough that I have developed, but it's better then the ups and downs of pouchitis.

I have been on Entivyo monthly for two years was previously on antibiotics for quite some time. Last month changed to injections every two weeks. I do it myself in the top of my leg so much better quick easy. My gastro doctor feels I would get a better coverage through the month .My inflammation levels were very high at the start toward the 500 mark now down to below 100 so happy with my progress.

I have been On entivyo for 3 yrs. (Every 2 months) I don’t know my inflammation levels, but the blood test did show the antibodies for entivyo were showing.Previously, I was on the antibiotic rotation and ended up with c—diff. I’m happy with the entivyo and have not been offered the injections. Just wondered if insurance coverage is as good for injections vs infusions (Medicare). Has anyone had experience with their insurance coverage not being as good??

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