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Reply to "RV Fistula output?"

Thanks Colleen.

I had a rather rigorous EUA the other week (was pretty sore, and had some bleeding/tenderness for about a week following).

The post-op report (that I'm supposed to hand over to my GP, and which I now can't find!) said some thing like 'diagnosis: vaginal fistula?' with the question mark. The notes said they couldn't find the tract, but noticed inflammation and induration at the posterior of the vagina. They took biopsies of that and in the pouch.

Since I was waiting for the EUA, my symptoms had improved over the 6 or 8 weeks leading up to it. Can fistula's heal themselves!? I was also on penicillin for strep throat the week leading up, not sure if that would effect anything.

I'm guessing that if they can't find it, they can't operate on it! So maybe drugs are an option, I think they were looking for Crohns with the biopsies.

I have an appointment with my surgeon in a few weeks, and will have plenty of questions.

Thanks again for the help.
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