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Reply to "Help with talking to G.I."

Sounds like a good plan.

Just one thing to remember, though. There is no such thing as a biopsy that is negative for Crohn's. What I mean by that is that while there may be markers that mean a positive diagnosis for Crohn's, mostly granulomas, since the other things, like transmural inflammation can occur in UC. So, biopsies cannot actually rule out Crohn's. Granulomas are found in less than half of those with Crohn's, so the diagnosis is usually more of a preponderance of the evidence.

I am thinking that Humira would be a good choice for you, unless antibiotics really keep you in remission. The one and only thing about Humira I did not like was that the shots sting, sometimes a LOT! For that reason, I did not want the pen with the automatic delivery, but the standard prefilled syringe. That way, I could control how fast the drug was injected, and pause a bit when it began to sting. Icing the injection area did not help much, but letting the syringe sit at room temperature for about an hour helped some. Simponi does not sting at all, and I love it for that!! But, it's not approved for Crohn's, at least not yet.

Good luck!

Jan Smiler
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