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Reply to "Effect of no colon on drugs"

It is not just our colonless position but what/when we eat and what meds we take at the time...I am a non-breakfast-eater...I do juice, coffee, vits, meds, water....that is it until around I have to be very careful what I take or it just runs right through me (I find it in stuck in my tube on the way out (have K pouch) it is live and learn. Certain vitamins like the big B complex ones just do not disolve so if I want to take them I need to use a pill crusher...(not reccomended for time release meds...very bad idea), my epilepsy meds were slow release (didn't realise it at the time) and I wasn't getting any relief until one day I fell asleep for 4 days...they all released at if they have a coating, peel them (ask your pharmacist first), if they are in a capsule, open them, if time released ask advice and if possible find the liquid versions of any other vits/meds (very few meds come in liquid form other than for babies so check dosage)...
Sometimes I eat a banana with certain meds because it slows my system down and allows things the time to absorb.
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