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Reply to "chron's or pouchitis?"

Thank you, guys..trying not to panic....but when I think of the times I had UC, I just don't ever ever want to go back there again. Trying to stay optimistic but having a hard time. Writing on here really helps.

Does white mucous come out with pouchitis? When I had UC, I used to have a lot of mucous come out and they say mucous is supposed to come out of your bum but with me, it always used to come out from my vagina (sorry for the tmi...). I never had mucous coming out with a j-pouch, but just today, after I had a BM, a lot of mucous came out of my vagina after I strained to push out stool.

On a more positive note, I was having bad pain around the tail-end near my bum but it seems that pain has subsided a lot. I hear people with pouchitis get pain there and I was definitely getting it.

I'm so craving for coffee right now - used to drink one cup a day and I had stopped about 12 days ago.

Thank you for telling me about staying away from carbs and sugars. I love pastries and I had been eating them every day and wonder if that's what may have caused all this. Does yeast play a role in something like this?

So many questions...I wonder how people deal with this. I mean, after going through so much, you get surgery and then you end up with pouchitis or whatever .......there's got to be people in a much worse situation as I'm in....I really admire those that go through all this...gotta be strong to deal with something like this.
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