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8 week update. First day back in the gym

Tomorrow will be 8 weeks to the day from my takedown surgery. Today was my first day back in the gym in almost 2 years. It felt great. I didn't do much at all but it felt great just to walk in the door again.

Overall things are progressing ok. I go at least 3 times a night but I'm getting used to it. Something about laying down. During the day I can go hours without going but at night I can't for some reason. Overall I guess I shouldn't complain. I probably go around 8 to 12 times in 24 hours but I could go less. A lot of my trips are just preemptive. Like today I went before I went to the gym. I didn't really have to go but I wanted to try to empty before I got in there.

I am eating very clean but I can tolerate just about any food as long as I don't over do it. A slice or 2 of pizza I'm fine. 3 or 4 slices and my night is ruined lol.

My only issue that worries me a bit is I have a slight pain in my tailbone. It comes and goes and it's barely noticeable but it's there. I've read lots of stories on here about people who had problems that started with tailbone pain. Overall I'm not super worried about it just yet. It seems like every time I have a new issue I'm dealing with it goes away and something new starts. Right now I just chalk it up to a new pouch and my body getting used to it.

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