General Discussion is for clinical questions, observations, tips, etc. about J-Pouch surgery, preparation and aftercare.
For immediate help, advice, information on a surgical or medical problem or issue related to J-pouch, surgery or IBD.
Pouchitis Discussion
A place to brag, rant, make announcements, complain, get it off your chest, get excited, etc. But Please keep your topics related to IBD or surgery.
Women's health & Pregnancy with j-pouch or IBD Discussion
Men's health. For issues and/or problems relating to men's health regarding j-pouch surgery or IBD.
For our continent ostomy, BCIR and Kock pouch patients and members.
A place for meeting and getting to know each other. Please keep clinical questions in the other forums.
Jokes, comments, stories. As always, please keep this forum IBD related. And PLEASE, keep the jokes clean or they will be deleted and the forum closed.
For concerned family & friends of j-pouch and IBD patients.