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I am excited for you! It will take some time for your pouch to adjust and function at its best. Be patient. I think you will be very happy with it.

I remember the toilet paper in the hospital being not the best quality. I would take my own TP and some A&D Ointment. Personal wipes for sensitive skin. Also, some xtra long thin sanitary pads, just in case.

All the best to you!

The hospital supplied everything I had no clue I might need, and were really nice about it, but that t'was17 years ago, so times may have changed on what's supplied? I def needed the ointment/cream and a friend brought soft toilet paper to swap out the T.P. in the bathroom. Other than that, I was fine with hospital goods. The big bonus after my jpouch operation was the day when my diet was advanced to clear liquids and my daughters showed up with a thermos of both veggie and chicken Vietnamese pho broth :-)

@Gudekitty posted:

Thank you all for these tips!! ❤️❤️❤️ I refuse to leave my house without my ileostomy/stoma emergency kit in case of a a blowout or leak. I also refuse to go into any medical procedure without Chapstick and someone to apply it ASAP when I'm in recovery...even if I'm not fully conscious lol.

That is very smart to have a emergency kit!! I need to start doing that with my supplies haha. Do you keep those supplies in your purse or a separate bag???

@Cheryll posted:

Have a small bag or box that has your essentials in it, it can be kept on a table or within reach of you. The little things make a big different in how you feel.
I also bring headphones with my favorite music, great way to distract your brain.
A comfy sweater or wrap for your shoulders will make you feel more comfortable.

I never fall asleep or function without my earphones lol. And I inadvertently collected a style of hoodie with sleeves and a hood..but it cuts off at the neck Screenshot_20250128_035516_Instagram


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