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I am having my J-pouch reversal in less than 2 months. I'm a 32 year old male who was in good shape before my first surgery but am concerned how my body is going to react after the surgery. I lost 50 pounds after my initial surgery which was 2 months ago. I've heard horror stories about excessive bowel movements for months afterwards especially due to certain food consumption. I'm not looking forward to going back to that after my 40 times a day BM's. Any advice on how to tame the movements after the reversal... or just any advice in general about the surgery or recovery? Thanks.
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You won't necessarily have tons of bm's after takedown. I think the most I had was 12 in a 24 hours period in the days after my takedown. Everyone is different. You won't know until the time comes so I wouldn't obsess over it too much because you may very well be worrying for nothing. (I worried too!) Your surgeon may tell you to take Imodium to help slow things down but they may ask you to wait a few weeks first. Good luck!
If immodium doesn't help you have you Dr prescribe you Lomitil. It is prescription only and is supposed to be 10 times the strength of immodium. I would actually just ask your Dr for it anyway because for me its actually much cheaper than buying immodium OTC. The big thing is going to be your diet. There are things that are going to run right through you and others that will help bulk up your stool. Rice, pastas, bagels, etc. You could probably look up a list of foods but to tell you the truth just like the last person said everyone is different and its trial and error. You could also try a fiber supplement like Metemucil or Citucel but just take a tbsp of it with real little water and not 8 ounces like instructed on the container. Either way in the beginning you are going to be in and out of the bathroom multiple times we all go through it. Keep baby wipes around and butt paste whatever your preference. This will help the pain of wiping and ripping off the skin around and the paste will make sure you don't develop rashes or burns. Warm baths could also help to soothe things. Things will slow down and get easier especially when you figure out your diet. Ask questions anytime that's what the site is here for.
It starts out more, of course, til the pouch stretches.

I never needed Immodium. Metamucil made things too bulky and slow, so quit that very fast.

I never got caught up on a number of times going, either, because I was continent, unlike at the end of my colitis, where I'd have accidents. So, even now, I don't count. Might have 5 in a day... Maybe 8... Maybe 4. Depends on many factors. My pouch is much more efficient with absorbing water these days, and consistency for me is usually porridgey. I also have slept through the night for years, unless I eat very late in the day, then might get up once, depending on what it was (had rolled sushi last night at 9pm, and a Corona, and all was good (though bedtime was at 11:30pm, so I went before bed).

I had a two step, and initially I lost weight before surgery number 1, with the UC and bowel rest, but the 4 months with my loop ileostomy got me back to a healthy weight. Never had a weight issue after takedown. Was in nursing school 4 months after takedown, commuting 30 minutes to and from, and did just fine.

Everyone's experience is different, and trial and error, as mentioned above, is key. Food wise, I started with thickening foods, but very quickly after, I was eating anything I wanted. Perhaps it was young obstinance, I don't know, but I never let it get in my way. Though I didn't have scary Google answers to what *might* happen, and just went on my own journey with it, and was lucky. I do tend to avoid nuts, seeds, corn, and mushrooms, as I've suffered a narrowing, and those things can be harder to pass... And now, actually, thicker foods sometimes give me MORE issues (really honestly DO do better with salads and stuff like that).

I always wonder if perhaps people who have less trouble might have more small bowel footage or something? Like more time to absorb water or something? I've always wondered if that was my case. I remember reading someone here posting that their doc said THEY had a longer small bowel, and they did really well, too. Never know.

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