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I'm absolutely sure I had a partial blockage and it last a few days it was horrible. I'm not sure if it is completely gone because I still feel sore in that area but kinda got an indication that it resolved itself because I was up almost every hour last night going to the bathroom passing a decent amount of stool each time. I had a knot in the lower right of my abdomen that I continued to try and massage out one day and felt like it got worse like I was irritating it to the point I was almost in tears and extremely nauseous. I haven't been eating anything solid lately because I was hoping that would help things pass through. I'm not really sure what caused it because I haven't eaten anything out of the normal and I make sure I eat slow and chew good. I'm wondering the easiest way to get it to pass just in case I had another experience? Also I got it right after my Drs visit where he dilated me with an 18mm Hegar dilator. Ive felt like crap since and am wondering also if that contributed to the cause of the blockage. I am not good with dilations even with a simple finger that's why I got it done under anesthesia but had no choice this time because my surgeon wants me to start doing it myself. I think its horrible and doubt I will be able to do it. I was really tense and have a hard time relaxing which I think makes it 10 times worse afterwards because I don't remember feeling like this last time under anesthesia. Thanks.
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It sounds like a partial blockage. I've been getting them as well. As long as you are still passing stool that's good and there isn't much anyone can do for us. Drink some white grape or apple juice to help move things along as well as drinking warm tea. Warm baths help too. I've been eating mainly soft foods since my last one and gradually adding back in my safe foods, like baked chicken and mashed potatoes. I have daily protein fruit smoothies and a lot of Greek yogurt.

My surgeon ordered a small bowel study to see if I had any physical problems in my small intestines that are responsible for my frequent bouts with these. I can tell that it happens where my stoma was and I also had an abscess close to the same area, my incision was there and I had incisional hernia surgery there too. So it's like the perfect storm for adhesions. That's what the study showed. I drank barium and they took X-rays every 30 minutes and in that area is where the barium water took a long time to get through. The good news is it showed no inflammation and no kinks. I don't want surgery and I don't think anyone would perform surgery on me at this time to take care of the adhesions. I am looking into ways of breaking them up by some kind of massage, sorry I forget what it's called.

That's my take on partial blockages.
I have had 2 partial blockages in the last two months - never had one before that in 13 years. Does that happen? Can they just start showing up? I think I know what started the first, too much psyllium followed by dry oatmeal without enough water. The second one, however, I have no idea. I'm just getting over this one. I have been putting a heating pad on the stoma area, drinking hot water, not eating very much and eating figs which usually shoot right through me. I've also been exercising in the hopes of shaking it up! I think after 4 days it's mostly passed.

To prevent these do we just need to remember to chew well, drink lots of fluids? I usually do that. Any advice on why these happen and how to prevent them would be appreciated.
I am almost 10 years with a j-pouch and I get sporadic partial blockages. Sometimes I can't determine the cause, other times, I know what caused it. My worst one has been from snacking on stuffed potato skins. But, I will eat potato skins a different day and nothing happens. When I feel crampy, I switch to liquids, water and grape juice, and try to walk a lot and do stretches.

I just know that after it passes , I feel bruised and sore in my abdomen on the right side (Where all of my blockages have happened ) for a few days.

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