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Hi everyone! Would need some advice.
For about a week I’ve had some pain on the site I previously had my ostomy (now scar) and I know it sometimes can come from some exercises in the gym that probably puts some pressure on my core and adhesions I might have gets me in pain. But I’ve also really been overeating mostly pasta, bread and sweets. So not a lot of fibre but a lot of “bulk”. I,ve since last week gotten a very very swollen stomach. It aches (mostly on my right side) and over my ostomy scar I have a bigger bulge. Im also nauseous. I’m really starting to believe it’s a partial blockage. I can still go somewhat normal to the toilet.
any suggestions what I should to so this pass? How long does it usually take before a partial blockage pass? Should I continue to drink my laxatives? (Which a do from time to time when my output is a bit more solid)….

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Thank you all for the advice. I’ve had this since friday/Saturday yesterday I ate breakfast but after that just been eating yoghurt/soup. My stomach is a little bit less bloated overall and because of that I know see that the bulge over my stoma scar is even bigger. So really starting to think something is trapped there. I don’t feel positive that this will go away of its own it has been five days already….

For most partial blockages the most important (and difficult!) thing to do is be patient. As long as you can stay well hydrated and there doesn’t seem to be a risk of bowel rupture or a complete blockage then medical care can’t improve things appreciably. They almost always clear eventually, but holy crap it gets old.

Depending on how much is getting through you probably ought to avoid consuming anything solid that can add to what’s already backed up. The focus is hydration rather than nutrition until things are moving again.

Patience is a really hard one!
I got an appointment to the doctors office today and he didn’t think it sounded like a blockage but wanted to see / rule out if it could be a hernia. Now I’ve read some posts about hernia repair and it’s a bit frightening to read that that the body can reject or have large complications with the mesh…

Don’t get ahead of your skis regarding a hernia repair. Any surgery can have complications and that is why it is not a first choice. If you have a hernia, as long as you can reduce it (press it back into your abdomen) you should be OK. If it becomes strangulated, you will not have to guess, as the pain will definitely send you to the ER. I lived with my hernia for a year before having it repaired and it was fine (and I did have mesh).


they couldnt find any hernia. So my thought think of a partial blockage or if my intestines have gotten trapped on an adhesion or something?

how many days or weeks could one go with a partial blockage between it resolves?

is one able to eat mixed fruit/vegetable smoothies? Creamy soups? Ice cream?

yesterday I ate breakfast solid food, soup for lunch and a normal plate of food. Until now I’ve only had some low stomach pain and really dont know if I can eat a little or should just eat liquids


That sounds serious.

E. R. trip?

I know when one is coming even if it's partial. But I have an ileo.

I ate some leftovers yesterday. And everything I ate has a tendency alone to cause one. So I only had tiny portions of each. Chewed well. Drank a lot of water.

It started anyway.

But I got lucky. 

Been 16-17 hours since I ate.

4-6 after I knew.

Couldn't find mirilax.  I use a tad. Not a cap full. Works just as good.

So I put a heating pad on high on the bulge for five hours.  Having an ileo. Now this gets gross. I have an output that is not completely liquid.  I can see food. Somewhat.

After having the heating pad on a few hours it finally worked a little.  But straight liquid. And as I write this the next morning I'm pretty sure it broke through.  Got lucky.

I was being so careful. But it wasn't enough.

What you are experiencing may be different so what I posted may be no help at all.

I certainly hope you find an answer.

They are scary.



Has your doc ordered a simple CT scan of abdomen/pelvis with IV contrast yet? Maybe that was part of the hernia work up - I know nothing about what's involved with that. The value of the CT scan with IV contrast is it shows if you have a partial blockage. You could call your doc on Monday and ask they put in an order for that diagnostic. Or, if you want clarity sooner, a trip to the ER might be in order. The ER admitting folks just need to know you have a j-pouch and are afraid you might have a blockage or be approaching a small bowel obstruction and they will take it from there. I've never gone to the ER short of a full blown small bowel obstruction, but if I couldn't get access to a CT scan with IV contrast any other way, and I was worried, I'd go.

I am sorry you are going through this, it's no picnic, but there are remedies.

Take care and let us know how you are doing.


P.S. Just in case there is an partial blockage,  opting for clear liquids and maybe full liquids could potentially be helpful until you know for sure what's happening. If you have a Vietnamese restaurant in your town, pho broth can work wonders for clearing out a G/I system.

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