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Do you wake up multiple times at night to have a bowel movement?

Sporadic sleeping has been my norm for so long that I often forget my sleep pattern is abnormal. I have a J-pouch. My body has decided that it's going to release most waste in the middle of the night. I wake up about three times per night (e.g., 11 pm, 2 am, and 5 am). My truly restful sleep usually starts at about 5 am. My body has adapted, but it was rough at first. Do you have this problem?

No, I sleep at least 6 hours straight at night.
Posted by Jake McCoy ·

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It's through trial & error for the past 20 years. When I'd took a Tylenol PM or Melatonin to help with sleep, I'd sleep longer periods but awake with surprised morning clean-ups which was emotional to address. I have found that after dinner when I take 1 T. Metamucil, 1 Imodium, 1 Simethicone  the GI contents become more formed feel less gas (with noisy night stomach) has recently been achieved with adding a 1 capsule probiotic.Trial & Error.

 I agree with others, you will find those items you'll want to stay away from for a successful night sleep also. I've also recently changed from wine to water with dinner and usually pass on after dinner decaff coffee & deserts. Late night meals and snacks are a thing of the past.

Hope this helps!



I've had my pouch since 1/2002. I haven't had a full night sleep since. I've also tried eating. ..or stop eating at all different times and nothing helps. I actually get up at least 6 or more times a night.  My biggest problem is that I absolutely cannot pass gas without some stool coming everytime I need to pass gas I have to jump up and run to the bathroom. Sometimes it's literally every hour or less. I also have found myself falling asleep on the toilet just to get some sort of sleep.  Three of the meds I'm on say "gas is a side effect " which I mention to the doctors but they don't seem to mind.


Sorry to say this whole thing "has " ruined my marriage.  After 20 years of marriage i was divorced last year because my husband was "sick of m being sick " ironic!  


If anyone has advice on getting rid of gas, I'd really appreciate it.  It also seems like my body waits for me to lay down and lay still and then everything decides to move through. 


Heres to keeping my faith up. Love to all.

I'm up three sometimes four times a night no so much because my pouch is full but because of painful gas buildup since I haven't learned how to pass it safely! It's been over 10 years so I don't think I will ever be able to let it go anywhere else than the throne!

my pouch is 4 years old.At the beginning i was very careful to eat early and to eat light  and i  woke up 2.3 times at night; now i wake up only once  and sometime i sleep throught the night.iI go to bed late,around  midnight and that makes easier to digest  and to sleep longer . it seems to me that alchool and cooked cheese could give me some problems at night .

I go to bed around 11pm and get up at 7am. I never wake up to go to the loo during the night unless I over do it on wine at the weekends, then it's just to empty the bladder. I'm really careful what I eat and drink. No Wheat or gluten, no fatty foods or mad sauces, no heavy fibrous vegatables such as cabbage. No oranges, etc, no red meat. Just Rice krispies or Gluten free Cornflakes for breakfast, maybe chicken and cheese for lunch. When I had my external bag I could eat anything, and did. I went up to 88KG. Immediately after my reversal I quickly found out my diet would be incredibly limited. Now I have my diet under control I am in fantastic health, no bloating, no tiredness. I have three little kids and now have the energy to out-play them.

On the rare occasion, I have made it through the night in its entirety. On average, I wake up once or twice. Sometimes, it's more often. I think when I wake up often, it usually has to do with something I ate, or how much I ate. I like junk food, so on the days where I splurge I go to the bathroom more frequently; day and night. I used to try not to eat after 6 p.m. I do think that helps. 

I used to be up all night but it has gotten a bit better, def. affected by what I eat/when I eat. I prob. get up most nights at least twice.

Original poster here...


I usually eat pretty heavy at night. I know that's  a big part of my problem, but it's difficult to control myself. I workout 5 or 6 days per week.  I eat quite a bit and have trouble keeping weight on my body.  (I know, good problem to have.)  I know need to scale back my eating at night, but that just means I'll have to overload even more earlier in the day.  I already eat a lot.


Yes. This pattern is what I experience too. If your cycle time through the small intestine is 4 - 5 hours then I find if I stop eating 4-5 hours before bed it is much better. I go before bed and 1-2 times at night. If I restrict drinking liquid too then maybe longer sleep without getting up. 



I answered "yes" on behalf of my son who is up multiple times in the night, usually because he's had an accident or having urgency.  I'm trying to get him to do his kegels to help with the accidents.  He also eats a lot at night which I think needs to change. 

Yeap. I have sleep issues. Had J pouch since 1994 and have always been up at least twice a night, 3 is okay and a bad night 4 to 5. It has become my routine aswell and just accepted it. i have tried immodiums, and helped sometimes, restricting food and drink, have worked sometimes and other times is just my pouch. I get recurrent pouchitis that responds well to antibiotics, so when I am on them I found I have had up to 6 hours straight sleep. But like you have a schedule, 12am, 3am and then 6am is the norm for me. I find restricting gassy foods at night helps alot, and try to eat binding food to slow things up. I'm lucky that my ensuite door is basically next to my bed so I fall into the bathroom then back straight to bed, but camping sucks! I read when I go as sometimes like one of the other pouchies it can be a bit stubborn, and to avoid a trip within half an hour i wait it out a few more minutes, pays off in the long run (pardon the pun). Good luck my friend but it sounds like your pouchy is developing its routine, hopefully you get to control it with diet and meds like some of the other pouchies out there. They can certainly be temperamental. When I had my ilieostomy I was up just the same amount of time otherwise it was just a mess - had to set an alarm, drove my partner nuts, so I am happy to work through the pouch issues too. Good luck.

I wake up mostly 1x to go to the bathroom! And that is right now! I find this pretty funny. I usually bring my phone to check email or play a game to relax me because it can take a while to empty.  Rarely do I never have to go.  Only when I've eaten sugar, lots of fiber or something that upsets me is when I'm up more than 2x a night.  Now I shall try to go back to sleep for 3 hours!
It took a long time to get there, but I now do sleep right through. The trick for me was not eating too late, not having too many liquids too late, and making sure the pouch is completely empty just before going to bed. Even then, I wake up with a full pouch in the morning.

This was a HUGE breakthrough for me --so please read I hope someone else can find this helpful.

I always viewed myself as a "bad sleeper", which I thought was due to waking to use the bathroom at night. I was up all the time. But, I never really felt tired, just thought sleep wasn't my best 'skill'. 

My husband said to me many times that he hears me holding my breath when I sleep. I figured I don't have sleep apnea because I'm slim and fit. I finally went for a sleep study and have mild-moderate apnea. I got an oral appliance (like a dental appliance) made because I didn't want a CPAP.

The first night --I slept right through the night !!

Now, most nights I sleep through.

What I realized, I was waking due to apnea, and going to the bathroom out of habit.

I think my original sleep problems first developed due to prednisone use, so I suspect many of you can relate to that too.

So, really PLEASE look at other causes than the pouch --I'm amazed at how much going to the bathroom has just become a bad habit.

Thanks for reading, Trina

I usually get up 2 or 3 times during the night with the urge to go. More disturbing are the times I manage to sleep through the BMs in my depends which leaves me with a sore bum overall and a lousy start to my day. Sleep pattern?? Don't have one. Sometimes I think I fall asleep on the toilet. Judy K

I also don't get 6 hour blocks of sleep on a regular basis and it's tough. But one solution I tried that worked well was polyphasic sleep (google Everyman sleep). If your schedule allows for a few of naps strategically spaced during the day, then even 3 hours of sleep at night should be enough to feel refreshed.

Wow. To sleep 6hrs would be a miracle. I can do it after I Completely exhaust myself (like, all day at a music festival), combined with not eating much. Just short of 3yrs with Jpouch, I too am most active at night. I try to not eat after 8. Even stopping at 7 doesn't help (well, it helps make sure I don't have an accident.)  I conclude that because I've spent my whole life as a late eater (growing up supper was between 7-8pm) and because I am naturally a late shifter, my body's clock is set latter than most and refuses to adjust . Add a child to the equation, I rarely ever get the sleep I need to feel rested, healthy, sane.

Sleep dep is torture. Literally; a torture tactic.


I agree with everyone, how you eat has a huge role to play. I try to stay away from dairy since that always makes me go more. I take trazadone to help me sleep which thankfully has constipation as a side effect. That along with 2 immodium before bed usually helps me sleep up to 8 hours just fine.

Not being able to sleep through the night has been my biggest challenge since getting the J-Pouch. I usually wake up about 2-3 hours after going to bed. It's a mixed bag as to whether I fall back asleep immediately or not; about 50/50.


Through experimentation, I've found that the following process works for me. It's not how I'd like it to be but it's the best I've gotten it so far.


I try not to eat a heavy dinner and aim to finish all eating at least 2 hours before going to bed. I have found that I do best if I do not have vegetables with dinner (I eat a bowl of vegetables for lunch most days) so I usually have fish.


I try to have a bowel movement about 30 minutes before going to bed and I take an Immodium then. Then I go one more time right before going to bed. After waking up in the middle of the night, if it seems clear that I am not going to fall asleep soon and there are at least 4 hours remaining until my alarm clock goes off, I'll take 1/4 of an Ambien. That usually helps put me to sleep.

I had J pouch after U/C surgery in 1988. I could count the number of full night sleeps - more than 6 hours straight - on 2 hands. I will go to bed after 10pm, and still be up 2-4 times before 4am. Night time diet makes a difference some time. I am now just used to it . If I have a reason to sleep I will not eat any solid food after mid day.

Yeah I think if you eat a lot and especially close to bed time, that's going to cause problems with sleep schedule.  I'm also what I call a "grazer" to eat throughout the day. I might suggest though, when you're tired you tend to eat more (studies have shown this) basically to compensate for the lack of energy you have. So this may be a bit of a vicious cycle you're on, just a thought.   

Original poster here...


I usually eat pretty heavy at night. I know that's  a big part of my problem, but it's difficult to control myself. I workout 5 or 6 days per week.  I eat quite a bit and have trouble keeping weight on my body.  (I know, good problem to have.)  I know i need to scale back my eating at night, but that just means I'll have to overload even more earlier in the day.  I already eat a lot.

Last edited by Jake McCoy

I don't know your eating/drinking habits, but I try not to eat or drink much later in the evening, and I will also stay up a little later if I think it might be one of those nights to have bm before going to bed.  I usually get about 6 hours of sleep before I have to get up to go to the bathroom...but I have had those nights where you have to get up 2 or 3 times...very annoying and of course you're not getting the proper rest.  Hope you might find the right combo of timing and diet so you can get some rest   Take care.

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