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Weight Loss Issues

Hey guys. I've got a J-Pouch, as well as a new diagnosis of diabetes. I have been trying to lose weight for two years now, but for some reason, I can't seem to get it down. I keep gaining, or yo-yoing within the same ten pound area. I have recurring pouchitis as well, and often can't eat raw or even cooked vegetables or fruits because I can't digest them and they make me bleed. But I've also cut out bread, pasta and potatoes almost entirely.

I've switched to brown rice, wheat bread, which I don't have bread often at all, wheat wraps. I eat more fish and much less red meat. I should be losing weight, but nothing is happening. My diabetes can still be reversed, and I'm eating the right foods to be able to, but I also need to lose weight. I've seen doctors and nutritionists, and been told that due to my medical history with UC and my J-Pouch, that there is nothing they can do for me. That I should see my surgeon who did my surgeries and MAYBE he might be able to help point me in the right direction.

I'm NOT looking for surgical options lest it be liposuction, which I cannot afford because I'm legally disabled because of all my belly issues, so I honestly don't see what a surgeon could do for me aside that or coolsculpting.

Does ANYONE have any kind of advice on how I can get at least 60 pounds off, if not more? I'm getting married in September and would very much like to be able to look good for it.

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