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Reply to "Steroids for Pouchitis and Cuffitis?"

I've been disabled for 17 years due to all this entyvio even with the side effects has given me the closest resemblance of a normal life My bathroom trips which were 15 a day or more now IDK I hardly go, lol I can sleep thru the night I do not have what I call the UC sickness I can eat anything I don't feel sick I feel normal except for a few days where I'll feel tired achy headaches I don't even think about my pouch health anymore I have not gotten sick in 2 years and I'm around a germy grandbaby for the last year I have gone on a cruise to Mexico ����‍♀️I was sweating that one but was fine and did things I never thought I could do  I was complaining to my daughter the other day how I was not feeling good from the Entyvio and she said would you rather have a few days than be in bed like every day Ok I am retired but I spend a lot of time with my grand baby we go to parks and walks and play IDK whatever else u do with a one year old, I work out with weights, I'm seeing my friends more, I spent a weekend with my friends in the Hamptons, been going into the NYC a lot making up for lost time The Entyvio got me thru 2 carpal tunnel surgeries and extensive oral surgeries and next week cataracts This kind of stress would have put me in a flare It's doing its job The side effects should get better after a while otherwise talk with your Dr about pre meds. it worked after the first infusion for me and was able to reverse after the second I have not even had a scope in 2 years a miracle  in itself lol good luck you can message me anytime 

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