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Reply to "Rectal area pain after BCIR"

Oh Sharon,

Its hard to make someone who has looked inside their own abdomen cringe but that did it. 

Your story of perseverance will stay with me forever.

My little dog, is very ill. We took him to the vet Wednesday. It was over $450. He had pancreatic attack and even though he no longer has diarrhea and he stopped throwing up he hasn't stopped shaking since last night. Of coarse the vet will be closed tomorrow because of Labor Day. I got him after my other little dog died at fourteen. He is so smart and funny, just about perfect and I’ve come to love him very much. I’m afraid he is going to die. There really isn’t anything a vet could do at this point. Either his pancreas will recover or not. I was up all night with him shivering and panting. At least he stopped panting. He is the only reason I get out of bed. Without him I would have nothing pressing enough to overcome the pain and get up for. I would just lay there waiting to hear if that doctor is going to help or not. When he was about twelve weeks he was running in the house hand slid into a door facing and broke his elbow in two places. Two pins , $4,000 and weeks of trips to the specialist to rewrap  his leg and he could walk again. It’s sure been a big expense for a $150 dog. Ha ha. I have to say though he has been worth every penny. All I can do now is hope he makes it. 

Thank you from my heart for sharing your painful story with me.


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