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Reply to "Permanent Ileostomy to a K-Pouch or BCIR?"


I'm glad you mentioned your experience in public restrooms with the catheter! That was one of my biggest concerns as it is not as easy as simply emptying your bag into the toilet. 

Where did you have your surgery done? A month seems like such a long time, but I absolutely see the reasoning behind your doctor wanting to keep you until he was absolutely sure that you would be OK going home. 

I am happy to hear that you have had no problems since your surgery! How wonderful. I will absolutely be making a pros/ cons list, as that was very helpful in making my decision to opt for the j-pouch last year. Although unsuccessful, I am glad that I at least gave it a try. I believe in following your instincts, so I will be not only weighing the pros and cons, but really tuning into what I feel is right. 

Thanks again! - Kristen

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