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J-Pouch vs Stoma Bag

Hi everyone, 

I was hoping to get some advice about the type of surgery I should get. I have FAP and had 95% of my large intestine removed when I was 17. A few years later, the growth rate of the polyps have significantly increased. I've been advised to have surgery as I have an additional 30% higher risk of developing cancer than before (over 50 polyps have developed in the remainder of my large intestine since my last screening 6 months ago). I have been told to decide between a J-Pouch or a stoma bag. I know that if I was to choose the latter, it's an irreversible procedure. However, I'm not sure if the Jpouch is the most suitable option for me as I have other medical/ personal issues to consider. I also have endometriosis, polycystic ovaries and other gynecological issues which may require further surgery in the years to come. I travel on public transport every day as I do not drive. I have no idea about the lifestyle changes and despite my best attempts to research I am nowhere near making a decision (despite only having several weeks to decide).

I'm very afraid to make the wrong decision which would further impact my confidence. I don't want to be that person who stops living because they are afraid of possibe issues in public. The problem is that any surving members of my family with this genetic condition have not been through this situation. I was brought up to expect the first surgery but this one has thrown me off from my normal "it's just another surgery" blase type of attitude. This is life changing. I have read so many brave stories on here thinking if I would be able to cope in your position. Any advice and honest answers about your experience/ my situation will be gratefully received.

Kindest regards,


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