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Improving QOL and pouch function with intermittent fasting?

Has anyone had any success? Due to my recent blockages I'm making major dietary changes in hopes of a better quality of life and lowering the chances of death via small bowel obstruction. 

Hydrating has always been difficult for me due to a very high gut transit time. If I drink water and eat food within the same time frame, my gut competes water with the food and water ends up being lost out the wrong end. Simply drinking more water just makes it worse. As a result of this 15 year situation I've had massive kidney stones over the years and have been unable to control stone formation with medication. I'm simply not hydrated enough throughout my days. 

Today is my first day trying a 20:4 fast window. So that's basically fasting for 20 hours a day and eating within a 4 hour block. My block is going to be 5-9 PM as that is the least disruptive for family and pigging out at work from 8-12 AM or 12-4 PM may be off putting to coworkers and equate to workplace discrimination down the road. I've had a lot of issues with workplace discrimination and disability throughout my career.

So I fast for most of the day allowing me to drink massive quantities of water and other drinks. I'll be able to take much less imodium in the morning to help with absorption (in theory). Then eat a series of meals over 4 hours, poop it all out, take a little bit of imodium before bed. Rinse repeat. 

Anyone else able to pull this off with success or have failure stories? It sure seems like everyone is different when it comes to food, food timing, and fluid absorption. It amazes me that I've put up with this ongoing problem for 15 years when I could have experimented with it years ago. Life is tough. 

Last edited by slouchypouch
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