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How long did it take for you to resume your normal life after takedown?

My 11 year old daughter just had her second surgery on 6/28. I timed it that way since she finished school & I thought she would have a nice amount of time to recover during the summer as I thought that this surgery would take a bit of time for her to recover physically. I am so thankful that she is doing well at only 2.5 weeks post op. She never ceases to amaze me! Although she has had an end ileostomy for 6 years, this new loop ileostomy has been  a bit challenging to deal with. Her output is very liquid , which we were told to expect. Initially I was thinking of having takedown surgery around end of November & having her miss school month of December through Christmas break so that she can start school in January again. I am hoping to work something out with the school to see how I can keep her up to date. I figured that it would only be a few weeks this way & she wouldn’t miss too much not to mention  a great start to new year! However, I am not sure we will want to wait that long with the challenges facing us from her new ostomy. I won’t want to send her back at a time when she may have an accident while in school. How long did it take for you to recover from takedown surgery & resume your normal life (I.e. - going back to work or school)? I know that every individual is different but I just want to get an idea to see if it makes sense to move up her surgery at all.

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