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From J-Pouch to K-Pouch

Hello! Please forgive if I do this wrongly--my first post.  I'm 63, diagnosed Crohn's but turned out to be UC; I had my colon removed Jan. 2017 (2 years ago) and my J-Pouch surgeries June and August 2017, so it's been about a year and a half since my J-Pouch went online. My Question: should I go to a K-Pouch? I only discovered them (and BCIRs) due to this forum; I had formerly thought that if my J-Pouch went bad, my only recourse was my Ostomy Bag, which wasn't terrible but also not comfortable. My J-Pouch works, but now that I see this other K-option, I'm noticing my pouch doesn't work well.  First, I have to eat a very bland diet and I'm terrible at that, as a way of life for the next 20+ years..  (Not the only one, I know. With my Ostomy, I could eat a burger and fries with a milkshake. Not now.) Second, I still get either mild pain or horrible pain if I can't get to a toilet. Third, I poop often, and enough in the middle of the night that it disturbs my sleep (4-10 times a night).  I've just written my GI doctor to ask if Kaiser does K-Pouches.  Meanwhile:

Comments and advice on J-Pouch to K-Pouch? Thanks in advance!

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