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Reply to "Diet: Do you find that certain foods trigger pouchitis or other reactions?"

Roseviolet, for me it's the other way round. I have hardly ever typical allergic issues. There were only about 3 times in my life that I had an asthmatic reaction to red wine (rattling respiration from bronchial slime) and only occasionally reddish spots of the skin (at the legs) that are not even itchy and get darker, vanishing after some days.

But if I take into account many of the singular experiences of my IBD history and the foods I avoid - at least to some extent - naturally by now (sausage, tomatoes, aged or mold cheese; I eat only small portions of dark chocolate or the high fat milk products butter and natural cream, little yoghurt being an exception), then I must admit that histamine may play an important role. Though it is diffult do get a grip on it, as there seems to be a certain limit where I can tolerate most foods.

It is now the third time that I come across that subject and both times before I saw some parallels but finally rejected it again with resignation as it is a difficult matter, with so many foods of different kinds either containing histamine or at least setting it free from other sources.

I think I will take it the simple way, eat more fresh foods, avoid foods that promote histamine and continue that med for some time. If I'm able to reduce budesonide without inflammation getting worse, then I should have some more clarity.

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