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Confused, would appreciate thoughts

Hi folks.  I would appreciate your advice.


As a result of smoldering diverticulitis I have had a colostomy in my descending colon.  At the time of the colostomy the diseased sigmoid and descending colon were unresectable (severe woody inflammatory process invading both sidewalls and into the illiacs).  I currently have no pain or issues with the colostomy after 6 months (besides hating the bag).


I have a reversal scheduled with Landmann/Mayo/Jacksonville for late September.  He gives me a 75% chance of a typical reversal (distal anastomosis) with the following caveats.  Being able to resect the remaining diseased colon (in order to get at the attachment point in rectum),  an adverse anatomy (my sigmoid swings to the my right side initially) and having enough transverse/descending colon and blood supply remaining for a connection.  A temporary illeostomy will be needed for healing of the distal anastamosis. 


I am told if the distal anastamosis is not possible I can be given an ileoanal anastamosis or J-pouch and "go to the bathroom 4 times a day".


What do I do if distal anastamosis is not possible?  Keep the colostomy or go the route of the ileostomy/ileoanal anastomosis?  I believe I could go back to the ileostomy if J-pouch not effective?  In effect which is better, a colostomy or ileostomy and is it worth going for a J-pouch which would eliminate the colostomy choice????


Thanks so much for your help.

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