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Reply to "Clostridium difficile (C-Difficile)"

Jan and Solomin,

Good to hear you are both doing better.  I can understand how you might be wondering if it is gone for good Solomin. There were several times when we thought it was over only for it to rear it's ugly head again. 

Xifaxan was one of the antibiotics I was rotating to treat pouchitis.  I tolerated it better than flagyl but it wasn't enough to keep pouchitis at bay.  Have you checked Cosco's price? A friend of mine got a different medication that was quoted at the insurance price of $400 per month at Walgreens.  She obtained it for around $50 at Cosco without running it through her insurance.

Some said we couldn't get it in a j-pouch and that was wrong. Getting it in the K-pouch doesn't surprise me either. They removed our colons but the part of the intestine that's acting in place of them takes on some of the same problems. I think it is the wicked U.C. continuing to attack us. 

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