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Reply to "C-Section and Fears"

I have a j-pouch and my colorectal surgeon, who is Cleveland Clinic trained, always told me that I must have a c-section if I have a baby and never a vaginal delivery. He also advised me that when I have a c-section, he must be present at birth so he can look at my insides and put me back together. I got my j-pouch in 2002 and had a baby in 2011. My incision was vertical because I had been cut open 3 previous times. I did have complications after my delivery because I got an ilius. I was in the hospital for 7 days. My baby was released before me. My OB/GYN is a high risk OB/GYN and she never had a j-pouch patient until me. She was on the phone with my colorectal surgeon from the day she found out I was pregnant. They had my c-section delivery all planned out.

You should probably go talk to your colorectal surgeon.
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