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Reply to "c diff"

I had c-diff 4-5 years before my surgeries. When my GI did a flex pouch scope last year he took a stool sample and had it tested too. I had cuffitis (UC) and c-diff at the same time. I had a hard time getting rid of both and now I'm having it together all over again. I've been on VSL#3DS since a few months after my take down the end of 2010 and as far as I know I haven't had pouchitis yet.

The doctors say that once you have had c-diff you are more likely to get it again vs people that never had it.

My advice is to use probiotics and never take Cipro. That is what they said caused my original case. I only use antibotics when I absolutely have to, like now to get rid of a c-diff infection. I take Flagyl, which is also used for pouchitis treatments. If Flagyl doesn't work then you have to move one to Vancomiacin. (I'm sure I misspelled that.)

Long answer to say I don't think so but you can get it again with a j-pouch. All 3 have similar symptoms except cuffitis can involve blood in the stool.
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