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So, I've had my J-pouch for about 6 years now, and other than blueberries, have never really eaten a food that has made such an impact on the color of what comes out.  I've seen what happens when my kids eat blue food coloring from cake frosting...that's quite a sight.  When I had my ostomy, I remember having a drink with heavy red food coloring and thought I was dying when I saw my output. 

Well, similar story last night.  First time I've ever had beets!  And we had a lot of them.  It was a beet risotto and it contained a cup of red wine (I've also never had red wine).  So, I can't even begin to tell you the sheer panic after going to the bathroom last night!   Then I remembered how my husband's hands got stained and how our cutting board is permanently dyed from cutting the beets, and then it all made sense. 

Just a warning to those who have never eaten beets like me...don't're not dying ;-)

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