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Anemia common/serious with Jpouch?

Short version: Is anemia common for us (I know dehydration is), and would it typically cause eye floaters/blurry vision, head "rush," and sporadic fatigue?

The Whole Thing: I've had a Jpouch since 2005, and am 38 years old. This past February, I got extremely sick--likely the flu or upper respiratory, but two ER stays never pinned down the problem. I suffered from intense, long-lasting headaches and at certain points, much of my field of vision filled with "floaters" and some blur, to the point where I could barely even read or text on my phone.

So now, even after the major illness has passed, I experience these floaters nearly every time I stand up from a kneeling or any lower position, accompanied by a strange head rush. The floaters almost always subside within 2-3 seconds, but they're scary. It's like an *extremely mild* warning that I could faint, but I haven't.

With a Jpouch, my #1 suspicion was dehydration. I worked hard to try to correct it, with only slight improvement in those symptoms. At past doctor visits, I've been told I'm anemic, but never took it seriously. I recently analyzed 8 years of my bloodwork, and I'm definitely anemic, possibly severely, so I just started taking a Now 36mg Iron supplement.

My question to you all, from your experience: Does this sound more like dehydration, anemia, both, or something else? My heart looked fine on an echocardiogram two years ago. I'm having my eyes checked next week, but can only afford so many doctor visits after all the ER stuff. I have a neurology visit scheduled in a couple months. I'd be hugely appreciative for any insight my fellow Jpouchers could provide. Thank you!

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