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Anal/sphincter pain

Hey everyone!

I have a problem with my J-Pouch or rather my sphincter. It's hurting no matter what, if I sit, if I lay down, while having a BM. In waves it's getting worse and hurts more. 

The pain is internal and not external, it feels like the sphincter itself is hurting and not the pouch or some open wound through any cuts or else. It hurts when I contract the sphincter as well.

So, in general it is quite difficult to do anything right now as it hurts when I move wrong or when I sit on it etc. The pain, which is always there, is not that bad but definitely unpleasant. When one of this waves is coming it definitely hurts and is now only unpleasant but painful.

All in all my sphincter feels sore right now. I didn't have these problems before (at least by far not in this extent), so I don't really know what causes this and what I can do against it.  

Other than this problem I don't feel anything wrong, there is no blood etc.

Does anybody have an advise? I would be really happy and thankful!


Best regards,



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