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A little poem...about us?

I wrote this at a rather sad moment this week and while it referred to my dad I realized that it was rather apropos to our situation...

Please feel free to delete if it is inappropriate


Pain is pain and nothing stays the same.

Pain is pain and nothing stays the same after a loss.

That does not give you the right to hurt others.

That does not give you the right to lash out.

That does not give you the right to hate.

That does not give you the right to make those around you suffer.

Pain is pain and nothing stays the same except maybe you on the outside.

No one can see the change.

No one can perceive that you are different.

No one can see the hurt.

But you know.

Your eyes no longer sparkle brightly,

They are dull and dismal.

You skin no longer glows

But looks grey and drained of life’s blood.

Your smile never quite reaches your eyes

But hovers somewhere below your nose, blocked by dams of unshed tears.

You no longer breathe deeply

But hold your breath waiting for the next brick to drop.

You no longer run with alacrity

But limp through life in pain.

How can loss transform you?

How can loss suck the youth right out of you?

How can loss age you in a minute?

How can loss lose you to yourself?

We are never prepared.

We are never ready.

Denial hovers over our heads,

Creating unrealistic hope.

When the pain comes,

When the loss arrives at our door,

When the vacuum fills the space,

Where you once lived.

We are not ready,

We are prepared.

We are not.

We are no longer we.


I wanted to add a stroph about missing colons and bathroom pit stops but couldn't find the rhyme...



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