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hi lauren,

just a regular day was had the 15th - 19 year anniversary.,  as mentione din  a previous response to you. I do not eat junk. I recovered from an aki (acute renal injury) for which a hospitalization occured and was placed in icu, this was last year july 1 thru 6th 2019.  I had a past history of chronic kidney disease which no one knew was acute and not permananant.  Things went on for a bit and it ende dup turning to failure for which 3 emergency bedside hospital setting dialysis sessions were required.

i lost  80 lbs for health reasons obviously and made life style changes. regardless if one is coloned or not, salt is not  "good", not in my case.  salt is bad for kidneys and blood pressure to name a few. In my case the salt/edema issue was pronounced in that my kidneys started to fail because i was swollen everywhere from  fluid the kidneys couldnt clear building up in my hands making them puffy and also making my body parts swollen (feet/ankles).

some folks can do the salt thing and never been thru or go through what i have but i been through so much. i will refrain from the garbage foods for life.  i choose to keep fit from now on and watch my food intake and increas ewater consumption.

when you get that sick and you are still young as myself, it totally changes your mentality and outlook on eating/food and you start to do the right things to  get on track. atleast i can say thats been the case for me.

some of us learn the hard way or dont learn at all. And i suffered and learned the hard way but  prevailed and god gave me a new lease on life!  that i will cherish from now on and do the right things!


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