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as far as i know its on top of my rectum. i think when   gi doc goes in to do my flex sig he is just going into the original back and area, no pouch in there like  what is the norm.

but anyway because i did not have a protectocolectomy with completele rectal resection.excision leaving the 1-2 cm cuff only/spincter to my knowledge the jpouch is at the top and when doc goes in there to do a flex sig/colononscopy on me he has to go awhile into rectum before he sees the pouch/enters it,

either way its working for me, no reason or need to mess with someone that isnt broke or effecting my day to day,. im still able to live a full life despite the toilet trips and mild pouchitis issue at play right now causing increased frequency and urgency.

the xifaxin takes weeks to show results. may  it might help and the pentasa too might help after receive it as im waiting for my part d to approve the prior auth from the gi doc.

as far as my anniversary 19 years tommorrow, nothing special. i  celebrate life everyday because its a gift as it is


Yeah, I figured it was on top! I have seen pictures of that before I believe. It looks much taller with everything there, pretty cool! But yeah, I totally agree!! Since i has been working this long, I would keep it! Messing with things can cause problems lol.

Some people on here that had a one step procedure have gotten a proctocolectomy though. I guess some one step people are different. Pretty cool how you represent the J-pouch Community and the Ileorectal Anastomosis Community; you are part of both communities lol. That must feel pretty cool! Lol.

How many BMS do you have when everything is normal??? I typically have 13-20/daily.

You should totally celebrate tomorrow, I would say order food or eat something unhealthy

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