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good evening.  for reference the girl i was referring to in my prior message was not who you mentioned. This one, Tiffany was her name from alberta canada or around  she went by the screen name here "tiffy-poo" if i recall correctly. And she has not visited the website here in like over a decade. I was some years after my operation but not as long as i am now.   She would probably be like in her early 30s roughly by now.

The woman you spoke of, i dont know of/she is new. Tiffy poo did not have fap but UC.

in regards to my well being, i am doing well with my outcome. One gets accustomed/used to their new normal especially when its been over a decade since surgery.

I am a 'if nothing is broke, then why fix' kinda guy. My plumbing the way it is with imperfections is working. With a total colectomy and my sub total theres not a drastic difference in bowel habits/frequency.  The increased amts of water consumption i drink and the nuts I consume and  decaf coffee hot & iced are all constributing factors in my  increased frequency.

certainly every ones tolerance levels are different and its individual very much so,   what one  is willing to put up with following  outcome wise after our types of surgery.

I been living like this for so long going frequenctly to the bathroom that its just normal 'feel' wise to me.

i am able to go walking 2 x a day like every day to control my diabetes since  i havent been medicated in over 1 year and my last a1c was 5.5 on 8/6/20.  my weight is down from 239 lbs to 155 lbs  so i cant complain much,.

the pouchitis doc saw in there on flex sig morning october 7th he has me on xiafaxin 550 mg 3x a day right now.  i'll start a uc med for frequency/diarrhea/inflammation. I am sure you know of it..mesalamine oral/pills 1.2  mg 2x a day morning and night once silverscript my part d   approves teh prior auth.

good to chat with you. dont want to highjack your thread or make it seem that way.

Take care


Totally makes sense!!! Well I am happy you are doing great! And yeah I understand about frequency, I go about 13-20x a day so its a lot, but we manage! Yeah I know mesalamine very well! I have been on it in pill form and rectal form in the past, 6 years ago though

I have two questions for you!

How are you going to celebrate your anniversary?

Is your J-pouch on top of your rectum or inside you rectum???

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