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Reply to "What gives you energy jpouchers?"

Hi Sam,

Well, I have an assortment of supplements but these are my go-tos.

Magnesium for nerves and sleep cycle (I take it concentrated in ampules). Within 2 days I notice the improvement in my sleep cycle and by day 4 I am sleeping through the night and wake up refreshed.

B-complex, liquid, under the tongue in the mornings. Keeps my energy up.

Iron only if needed.

Trace Minerals. Presently I am taking my zinc, cobalt and selenium combo which helps a lot as well as my best friend, Organic Silicium. Discovered by a French researcher, it helps in the healing of bones and connective tissue, eases joint pain and works wonders in the healing process (I need it along with collagen).

Lemonade. I make it nightly with fresh mint. Real lemons, water, very little sugar or substitute. Detoxes the body...realigns the acid/alkaline balance and helps to prevent bone loss.

Garcinia Cambodia. It is supposed to be used for weight control but it releases the energy held in the fat stores in the body. I only take it the days that I work or if I have a busy schedule...I can feel the difference within hours. I don't 'dip' in the mornings and get the afternoon exhaustion. (try a couple first before buying whole may adversely react to your pouch...mine loves it)

Always check with your doc or test these things out for 24hrs or more before investing in large quantities...everyone is different and reacts differently. 



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